One of the heavy and time consuming things in my research is to collect facts. I find it interesting to look through the facts I collect and in the future they will be a part in some compilations or studies, to create other perspectives in the subject about Swedish connections to American Expeditionary Forces in the Great War.
I have spent some time reading through files and lists containing the names of those who died during their service in the War. In this case I manually went through lists showing names of soldiers sorted in order of the states in the USA.
I have relied on my ever increasing experience to sort out names that I assume have connections to Sweden. I can not guarantee that I have found all of them, in this case, connected to the criteria below.
Below an example of how the lists look like.

The criteria in this compilation of names are as follows:
- Officer who fought in the war
- Born in Sweden and raised by Swedish born parents (both parents born in Sweden)
- Born in the USA and raised by Swedish born parents (both parents born in Sweden)
The individuals are presented below with some basic facts.
Entered service from:
1/LT Victor Bryan Wallin – Born April 15, 1896, Washburn, North Dakota – Died November 11, 1918, Pouilly, France. Buried in Riverview Cemetery, Washburn, North Dakota.

2/LT William Chandler Peterson – Born December 24, 1894, Crystal Lake, Illinois – Died June 6, 1918, Chateau-Thierry, France. Buried in Union Cemetery, Crystal Lake, Illinois.

Lt Col Emil P Laursen – Born February 4, 1880, Oneida, Illinois – Died August 13, 1918, Gironde, France. Buried in Suresnes American Cemetery, Paris, France.

1/LT Eric Frederick Pihlgard – Born April 9, 1893, Chicago, Illinois – Died February 28, 1919, in Wilferdingen, Luxembourg. Buried Oak Woods Cemetery Chicago, Illinois.

1/LT Arthur Theodore Johnson – Born March 31, 1896, Porter, Indiana – Died September 12, 1918, Flirey, Lorraine, France. Buried Augsburg Lutheran Church Cemetery, Porter, Indiana.

Capt Edward O Fleur (Adolf Sigurd Flör) – Born June 22, 1872, Höreda, Eksjö, Sweden – Died May 27, 1918, Baccarat, Lorraine, France. Buried Woodland Cemetery, Des Moines, Iowa.

1/LT Oscar Bernhard Nelson – Born April 15, 1880, Knäred, Halland, Sweden – Died October 16, 1918, Meuse, France. Buried Ottumwa Cemetery, Ottumwa, Iowa.

2/LT Fred G (Gustaf Ferdinand) Austrom – Born February 13, 1891, Sundsvall, Västernorrland, Sweden – Died November 5, 1918, Issoudun, Centre, France. Buried in St Mihiel American Cemetery, France.

2/LT Fred G (August Gottfrid) Wahlstrom – Born May 5, 1875, Horn, Mariestad, Skaraborg, Sweden – Died August 21, 1917, Bazeilles, Vosges, France. Buried Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France

1/LT Carl Adolph Johnson – Born July 22, 1891, Hennepin, Minnesota – Died June 23, 1918, Alsace, France. Buried in Hillside Cemetery, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Capt Oscar Thomas (Germun) Falk – Born August 12, 1863, Stockholm, Sweden – Died August 1, 1918, Brasles, Aisne, France. Buried Riverside Cemetery, Menominee, Michigan.

Capt Oscar Emanuel Youngdahl – Born March 2, 1888, Red Wing, Minnesota – Died October 8, 1918, La Cheppe, Marne, France. Buried Oakwood Cemetery, Minnesota.

1/LT Otto C Carlson (Otto Walfrid Häll Karlsson) – Born April 23, 1877, Ekebyborna, Motala Kommun, Östergötland, Sweden – Died August 17, 1918 in Suresnes, France. Buried Grandview Cemetery, Missouri.

New Jersey
2/LT Oscar Emil Hellquist – Born July 11, 1895, Brooklyn, New York – Died October 17, 1918, Busigny, France. Buried Somme American Cemetery, France.

New York
1/LT Rudolph Emmanuel Peterson – Born June 30, 1888, Jamestown, New York – Died November 4, 1918, Etraye, Lorraine, France. Buried Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France.

2/LT Nils Johan Holm – Born September 22, 1890, Östhammar, Uppsala, Sweden – Died October 31, 1918, Clery-Le-Grande, Lorraine, France. Tablets of the missing in Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France.

1/LT Arthur Edward Granberg – Born June 25, 1888, Brooklyn, New York – Died November 1, 1918, Lambezellec, Bretagne, France. Buried Oise-Aisne American Cemetery, Picardie, France.

1/LT Charles G (Carl Gustaf Herman) Ostberg – Born July 4th, 1881, Stockholm, Sweden – Died September 30, 1918, Rouen, France. Buried in Holy Cross Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.

1/LT Herbert Edward Anderson – Born January 28, 1894, Defiance, Ohio – Died September 28, 1918, Gesnes, Lorraine, France. Buried in Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France.

1/LT John Norman – Born March 25, 1870, Säffle, Värmland, Sweden (Not confirmed) – Died March 7, 1918, Rouge Bouquet, Luneville, France. Buried Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France.

1/LT Henry Stephanns Blomberg – Born August 3, 1892, Superior, Wisconsin – Died October 5, 1918, Cierges-Sous-Montfaucon, Lorraine, France. Buried Meuse-Argonne American Cemetery, France.

2/LT Oscar William (Wilhelm) Nordquist – Born August 8, 1892, Sollefteå, Västernorrland, Sweden – Died September 26, 1918, Prény, France. Buried St Mihiel American Cemetery, France.

One day I may come back to this compilation of facts, and they may have some meaning i future products. In my mind they will always have that.
May all of them rest in peace.
Snippets in this post are from Ancestry, US National Archives and my own files.