… and so much information that I want to find about Swedes who emigrated to North America, especially when they did it in their youth, and then joined an army in another country. Were they obliged to it? Did they do it because of their own beliefs and ideals?

Here is one of those Swedes I want to know more about. Alfred Theodor Hermansson, from Håsjö, Bräcke community, in Jämtland, Sweden. His father was a ranger at the Jemtland Ranger Corps. Alfred emigrated to Canada at the age of 18, together with his family, and according to some facts he belonged to the canadian army, and spent some time at the canadian training camp, Camp Sewell, later renamed to Camp Hughes. The note states he was 30 years old at this time, but I assume he joined the Canadian army earlier than that.
He went back to Europe again, belonging to the 15th battalion in the beginning, and was then transferred to the 28 Canadian infantry battalion, when they arrived to Liverpool in England, before he continued to France.
He became subject for some medical issues during his time in the field, but always came back to his unit. He got the Good Conduct Badge 6th of March 1918, and must have been proud of that. You can read more about the good conduct badge here.
At the 11th of october he went out on a scout mission, but he never came back from the mission. He was killed in action the same day during fights near the village of Iwuy., when his battalion pushed eastwards against the German Army.
Alfred is buried at the Niagara Cemetery in region Nord in France, and he can be sure of that I will visit him as soon it will be possible. May you rest in peace Alfred, we are grateful for your effort, and you will always be remembered.
I will put Alfred in my Virtual Map Project in near future, and through the link “Virtual Tour” in the main menu you can follow all my soldiers on the Google Earth Map.
Hello Jocke.
I have a little information about Alfred Hermansson.
His father Herman Hermanson Rull from Salf in Wasa Finland com to Sweden 1873
His Mother Anna Chatarina Näsvall from Tallnäset.
The house were in Tallnäset, it was cold Hermanstorpet .
They got Alfred and 9 more children.
Herman had 2 brother Johan and Isak, they com two year leater, Johan had 9 children, Simon Erik born 1875 , moved to Stavre where i lived today.
Its a road in the forest who has his name Finn-Simons Vägen. More information is coming
Hi Bengt! Sounds great! Thank you very much for this information, looking very much forward to more information indeed. You can of course email me at joacim.hallberg@westernfront.se
Thank you very much in advance!
BR Jocke