… I am also trying to find information about those Swedes who fought in The Great War, and survived. It is quite hard to find information about the soldiers who fought in The French Foreign Legion, but now and then I find books about some of them. One example is this book in Swedish, written by the soldier himself.
It is called “40 grader resfeber”, 40 degrees travel fever, if just translated as is it is, but probably another word and meaning in english.

A very interesting book about the life of Edgar P Andersson, who fought in the French Foreign Legion in The Great War 1914-1916, injured and taken of the list in the French Army, just to be drafted to the British Army after getting better from his wounds, and fought again at the Western Front 1917-1918.
After that he joined the Foreign Legion again for totally six years. But his life continued to be dramatic, even if he didnt fought in a war again. Amazing history!